Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Trapeze Pass: Connect failed No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Ok, troubleshooting Trapeze server (service) shell connectivity to the Trapeze Schedule server, I encountered this error- specifically, when the MT portal login page attempts to ping the sched server, you would see the following in the service shell log:

   ==>ERROR at [2012/09/25, 8:17:45:254] cls:, obj::
Caught SocketException in ('T4Client::Call', C:\Trapeze\Core1\TCL\CTpNet.CPP, line=498):
Message=MessageSocket::Connect failed [Service=, Host=, Port=11001]
SocketError=10061. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Cls: SocketException
--Stack Trace--

First make sure the sched server is running. (I believe you'll get the "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." error when the sched server is not running)

Also, note, this is from the version 1 of the portal, when the ping was a bastardized call to load a schedule (sch id = 0).

The things that helped resolve this had to do with the TpNet.ini file associated with the data folder of the Sched Server and work station installation.  In this case the service shell was located on a different machine than the sched server.  However the sched server has to be configured to accept socket connections, and that configuration takes place in the TpNet.ini file.  For example:

# Example:
# SCHSRV.DEV1    Toronto_dev_1    11001    tcp

Also, I'm not sure how the call stack works, but I've seen this error when the port configuration for the PassInfoServer is out of synch with the TpNet.ini file.  (They should have the same value and be in synch with the services file)

PASS/PassInfoServer/SchedServ/Config/IP  AZ-DEV4
PASS/PassInfoServer/SchedServ/Config/Port  11002


In the case, where the IP is an IP address vs. a name, use ipconfig /all to confirm the IP of the machine of the sched server!

access the property through the service shell property page:

Also have to have the tcp/udp entries in the services file usually located here:

here are some example entries.

SCHSRV.TEST 11001/tcp
SCHSRV.TEST 11001/udp

And check the strvalue of the PropValues to ensure that the configuration is correct for the path of the TpNet.ini file. You can examine the full path it by running this query:

select * from propvalues where strvalue like '%TpNet.ini%'

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